Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have Thought About This for a Long Time

I have given considerable thought to this FieldTaught concept for a long time. It probably goes back as far as in the late 1990s when I found out that the land my family owns in Alabama could be prime habitat for the red hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti). This species is listed threatened by USFWS. I have wanted to survey the limited habitat preferred by this salamander for years. The only problem being that I have not lived in the area for some time. My father who actually owns the land has told me that he plans to give me this land. There is about 200 acres but only about 15 acres of it would suitable for the red hills salamander. However, the rest of the land is primarily pine plantation with a few random hardwood patches. There are a lot of species to be studied there. There are really only two problems with starting with this parcel of land. 1.) It is probably a two hour drive from a decent commercial airport (Mobile). 2.) It is surrounded by hunting leases, So I would not want to take anyone out there during hunting season. However, this may have to be the initial base of this project until I could raise sufficient funds to purchase more accessible but undeveloped land.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The FieldTaught Concept

I was trying to come up with an idea to help conserve wildlife habitat and be a field biologist at the same time. I came to one conclusion, if I was to conserve wildlife habitat, I would have to obtain a decent sized parcel of undeveloped land. Ideally this land would have multiple habitat types such as pine plantation, hardwood bottomland, wetland areas and perhaps a creek or river frontage. This would give me the opportunity to begin Phase II of my plan, have a place where people of all walks of life could come to learn about wildlife in the field. Since I am trained mainly in herpetology, freshwater ichthyology and mammalogy I would start out instructing these types of field courses . I am thinking of calling this organization FieldTaught.

The FieldTaught organization would be created to help everyone appreciate the diversity of flora and fauna in the U.S. We would teach courses on reptiles and amphibians, small mammals, birds, fish, plants and invertebrates. We believe one of the best ways to do that is to train people in the skills needed to identify, record, track, or monitor wildlife and plants. In addition, our courses help participants understand the status and legislation surrounding different species and provide up-to-date information on how to conserve our natural heritage.

Yes there would be fees for courses, but most of this money would be used to by more undeveloped properties in different ecosystems. Although I grew up and received a BS and MS in the Southeast U.S., I went to graduate school in New Mexico and have worked as a field biologist all over the southwest U.S.

I think when I get this concept off the ground the possibilities could be limitless. Specialist in geology, archeology, and sustainable and green living could be hired as instructors. Make learning fun.